I should offer my greatest regards to all those time donator friends who visit hear in a regular manner:D If you send me your address I will send bunch of flowers to all of you. I even open Coke for you with pleasure. This is for your contribution helping me getting more than 3 visitors a day;) Any “bad wanter”, “Mad wanter” just send me the picture, the coffin is served at your door!!! Whenever this series of my duties is finished I will buy a new set of sofa for my blog just for your convenience whenever you come here.
Ok Honey, You are intriguing me BAD-FORM! what is your highest price? I mean How much for Every visitor per day? :):)
Vali oochiketim be molaa! age az man mishnavi to kheili baahaali, XXX-khaar harki mige na! :)
Keep on trying, My GREATEST friend !
PS> I'm Aboti!
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